Our Team

Henrietta Kundert (she/her)

Massage Therapist

What motivates you to come to work everyday?

Seeing the positive changes in my patients. Being present in their journey

What is your favorite part of your job?

Using positional release techniques are magical for providing instant releases without digging into trigger points. I wish more people knew about it and were comfortable using them. Totally non-invasive - a zero on the Walton Pressure Scale of 1-5! Kind to the therapist’s body. So rewarding to hear a patient say how good they feel and can’t believe that positive change can take place so quickly! Nothing like that smile!

What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving. Being with the family you choose, creating wonderful meals and sharing love and camaraderie.

Tacos or pizza?

I enjoy tacos and pizza equally.

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

That’s very tough. While I love my dogs and every cat I ever had, I have a waterfront property and it’s a toss up between the ospreys and the pelicans. Pelicans have the most mellow way of flying along either solo or in a group following the leader. Ospreys arrive around St. Patrick’s Day following migrating from the Caribbean where they winter and the young ones stay for 2-3 years while they mature. They get busy rebuilding their nest and are the best parents. They mate for life. Ospreys have the most intense eyes. They only eat fresh fish that they catch so they are also known as seahawks. (Eagles have no problem stealing the fish out of the osprey’s talons. Lazy hunters.) I have such admiration and respect for these birds.

Henrietta retired from her 40-year career as a surgical Physician Assistant in 2018. She has had a private practice in massage therapy since 1999. She’s a firm believer in “not everything can be fixed yet everything has the potential for healing.” She loves being involved in a healing process which is unique to each person whose care she participates in. She is there for the journey wherever it leads.

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4201 Wilson Blvd. #110-341

Arlington, VA 22203

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