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Show Up with Healwell

September 14, 20203 min read

Remember a few months ago when we reached out to invite you to support Healwell in joining C-TAC, The Center to Transform Advanced Care? Healwell is now a C-TAC member and we’re really looking forward to attending the upcoming annual C-TAC Summit: Improving Lives by Facing Systemic Injustice, October 28-30, 2020.

C-TAC is deeply invested in broad and engaged attendance at its Summit. Practicing therapists can register for the Summit as a friend of Healwell for just $99. Students (of any discipline; not just massage therapy) can register for just $40 to attend the WHOLE event! Sign up today. Come. Learn. Participate. Open your perspective and magnify your impact.

C-TAC is an organization that puts its money where its mouth (and its heart) is.

There is no doubt that systemic inequity and injustice directly and painfully impact people affected by serious illness not only the prevalence of serious illness, but in how serious illness is treated.

Accessible, affordable, competent healthcare in our most vulnerable communities is C-TAC’s priority. As massage therapists, we will benefit immeasurably, both as people and practitioners by participating in and listening to conversations about how people will care and be cared for in a more equitable and just healthcare future. We can participate in creating that future.

Healthcare was already beginning to migrate out of “facilities” and into the community before the COVID-19 pandemic, but COVID-19 has shown that people can do better when they receive care in their homes and communities from providers who can connect with them differently. When providers can see where and how people live and when patients can avoid the infection risks and transportation-related challenges of going to appointments away from their homes, outcomes improve.

Massage therapy is not currently part of that equation, but it could be. Highly trained, uniquely skilled and compassionate massage therapists could be a part of the future we create with our interdisciplinary colleagues. You already imagine a future like this. Come and help us make it a reality.

Massage therapy as a profession tends to say the same things about itself and to await the receipt of its due; to be recognized as an ancient and undisputed healing art. Massage therapy can be amazing. And we are not due anything. We have to show that we belong at the table in conversations and treatment of serious illness. C-TAC has invited us to sit at that table as equal partners. We are deeply grateful not only to C-TAC, but also to our friends at ABMP who are supporting our engagement with this conversation in ways big and small.

Please join Healwell and help C-TAC and the Summit get that much closer to achieving its aspirational, but achievable goals:

  • Assessing three simultaneous pandemics- COVID-19, racism and economic injustice

  • Reflecting on who we are as a social movement

  • Ensuring the C-TAC’s mission and moonshot serves the sickest and most vulnerable

  • Unpacking how our movement can contribute to a community model of care

The Summit will tackle pressing issues in serious illness care through the lens of health equity. Get interested. Get engaged. Get registered.

We’ll see you there!…and be sure to come by our virtual booth!

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Cal Cates

Cal is one of Healwell’s founders and its Executive Director. Cal speaks around the world on a variety of topics related to integrative medicine, emotional self-care for practitioners and the mechanics and politics of introducing massage therapy into clinical settings. They have been participating in research, teaching and developing curriculum for massage therapy courses focused on hospital-based practice, oncology massage and end of life care since 2007. Cal is passionate about elevating the profession of massage therapy and also about broader and more seamless integration of massage therapists into mainstream healthcare.

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