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Massage table headrest

We Made Our Table, Now We Have to Lie On It

January 31, 20223 min read

The Rub: a podcast about massage therapy | January 31, 2024

white vinyl massage table with a headrest

This week on The Rub...

The world of massage therapy education and finance is on the cusp of significant transformation, with the Gainful Employment Act ushering in new rules that could reshape the landscape of massage therapy schools and the financial health of those within the profession. As we move closer to the July 2024 deadline, schools are faced with the pressing need to revamp their curricula to comply with the strict 100% rule, thereby risking their federal funding if unable to meet the stringent criteria.

This pivotal juncture has sparked an essential dialogue about the ramifications of such changes, not only for the institutions that provide massage therapy education but also for the individuals who embark on this career path. In a recent podcast episode, Cal Cates and Corey Rivera delve into the heart of these issues, exploring the implications for massage therapists' earnings and the need for educational reform in a field that has, for too long, operated without a standardized training program.

The conversation sheds light on the harsh financial realities that many massage therapists face. Despite the noble intentions that draw people to this healing profession, the struggle to achieve a sustainable income is an undeniable challenge. With many earnings going underreported due to the prevalence of cash-based transactions and tips, the picture painted by official statistics often obscures the true financial state of those in the field. Furthermore, the impact of federal legislation on educational programs is brought into sharp focus, highlighting the pressing need for reform and the potential consequences of inaction.

Beyond financial considerations, the episode also examines the education requirements for massage therapists. The profession has long grappled with the misconception that financial hardship equates to a higher calling, echoing the sacrifices of figures such as Mother Teresa. However, as the political landscape shifts and new policies emerge, the necessity for more comprehensive education and training becomes ever more apparent. The high burnout rate among massage therapists is indicative of the physical and financial strain they endure, pointing to a need for a more standardized educational approach to prepare them for the diverse and complex needs of their clients.

As the episode draws to a close, the importance of integrating medical information and expanding one's knowledge of the human body is emphasized. The ability to understand and effectively incorporate this knowledge is crucial for massage therapists to become more trusted providers in the healthcare landscape. With the profession at a crossroads, the call to action is clear: join the conversation, contribute insights, and be a part of the movement towards a reimagined future for healthcare and massage therapy.

In summary, this podcast episode serves as a critical examination of the intersection between finance, education, and legislation in the world of massage therapy. It is a rallying cry for those within the profession to unite in addressing the challenges that lie ahead, ensuring the sustainability and growth of a field that offers not just healing touch but also a viable career path for its practitioners.

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