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"I Didn't Know Massages Could Do That:" A qualitative analysis...

July 21, 20201 min read

"I Didn't Know Massages Could Do That:" A qualitative analysis of the perception of hospitalized patients receiving massage therapy from specially trained massage therapists

Kelemen, Anne et al. “"I Didn't Know Massages Could Do That:" A qualitative analysis of the perception of hospitalized patients receiving massage therapy from specially trained massage therapists.” Complementary therapies in medicine vol. 52 (2020): 102509. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2020.102509

Twenty hospitalized palliative care eligible patients received three differing doses of massage therapy from specially trained massage therapists. Patients were interviewed about their experience and perception related to the massage. Open-ended data were collected and analyzed using a grounded theory approach.

For a copy of the full paper, please email Cal Cates ([email protected]) or Kerry Jordan ([email protected]).

Chronic illnessMassage therapyPalliative CareRelaxationtouchqualitative
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